Case Study
Driving demand for home energy upgrades
Home energy upgrades can lower costs and improve safety for millions of homeowners, while also lowering the carbon footprint of US buildings. Yet adoption rates remain low and solutions providers have yet to unlock full market potential.
Unlocking a $144B market
Uncover and highlight the hidden motivations for home energy improvements, and make high performance buildings the aspired-to standard in U.S. homes. *Work completed as an employee of RMI
Expanding customer motives
Consumer-focused campaigns were segmented by untapped motivations for home energy upgrades—health, safety, climate, and cost.
Strategic partnerships with athletic teams, production companies, and popular TV programs helped infuse tips on home energy upgrades into their consumer-facing campaigns and programs.
Video, infographics, and editorial offered infused target channels with a wave of content during seasonal behavior triggers.

Greater homeowner desire to undertake a home energy upgrade, and increased demand for solutions providers.